Orchestra’s insights for innovation

2019-06-25 | 2019-06-25


ORCHESTRA’s INSIGHTS for INNOVATION – Torino 25 giugno 2019

Industry 4.0 for a global market:
present and future through open innovation and collaborative projects sustained by a fast growing demand and offering of smart solutions

25th June 2019 from 14:00 to 19:30
I3P, Incubatore Imprese Innovative Politecnico di Torino
Corso Castelfidardo, 34 – Sala Agorà

Concurrently with the Italian Technology Week and the Techstars Startup Week in Turin, Orchestra organizes an insight for innovation to discuss new approaches and technologies to sustain the new business models of Industry 4.0.
By means of concrete examples, case studies and success stories our domestic partners and customers and our special international guests will tell us about their experiences on the same leitmotiv: the instruments may be different, different the notes, but like in an orchestra machines and equipment of a factory must be tuned to the same music sheet.


14:00 registration

14:30 Industry 4.0 promises and frustrations: from IoT to IIoT – Guido Colombo, Orchestra CEO
14:45 Industry 4.0: a multidisciplinary affair – Walter Ferrarese, Orchestra CTO

The voice of the partners
15:00 Not only  manufacturing: outdoor machinery monitoring for water control in farming irrigation  – Umberto Ferrero, SHT CEO

15:30 The value of a system integrator in complex INDUSTRY 4.0 projects’ scenario –  Giovanna Lisa Capella, Business Development  Manager, SCAI Consulting/SCAI Group

16:00 Potential impact of Industry 4.0 for advanced semiconductor industries and beyond – Yuan Fu, Director of International Collaboration of Shenzhen Institute of Wide-bandgap Semiconductors (WinS)

16:30 Coffee break

Manufacturers and machine builders experience and expectation from overseas
17:00 Round table – Paolo Dondo from MESAP cluster moderates
Chinese delegation speakers
High-Test company in China (Equipment manufacturer)
NAURA company in China (also Equipment manufacturer)

TCL Group, a Display (LED/MicroLED) company
Dr. Zhihan WANG, CEO of Basic Semiconductors
Dr. Wentao DOU, R&D Director of Shandong Tianyue Semiconductors
Dr. Kai CHENG, President of Suzhou Jingzhan Semiconductors

18:00 Conclusions

18:30 Happy hour and business networking


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